Support Coordination

Support Coordinators are essential in helping NDIS participants understand their plans, navigate the complexities of the NDIS, and participate actively in decision-making. They work to align services with participants’ goals and budgets, enhancing their ability to live independently and achieve positive outcomes.

What can Support Coordinators help with?

Support Coordinators assist by connecting participants with appropriate services and resources. Their role is critical in planning and managing tailored support networks that foster independence and prepare individuals for unexpected events.

Key Assistance Areas:

  • Understanding and implementing your NDIS plan
  • Establishing and maintaining supportive networks
  • Planning and coordinating tailored supports
  • Ensuring your interests are always a priority

Levels of Support Coordination

Support Coordination is categorized into three levels, each designed to meet varying needs and complexities:

  • Support Connection: Focuses on enhancing the participant’s ability to connect with both informal and formal supports.
  • Coordination of Supports: Develops necessary skills for effective plan utilization and supports capacity building across different life aspects.
  • Specialist Support Coordination: Offers advanced support for individuals with complex needs, ensuring thorough management of support challenges and consistent service delivery.

Funding and Inclusion

Support coordination is included in the NDIS plan’s Capacity Building budget, based on assessed needs. The funding allows participants to choose the appropriate level of support coordination to effectively maximize their plan benefits.